The following post was originally writen on November 3rd, 2005. I posted it on a private blog so that I would ensure that I never wrote for an audience other than God. I knew that if I wrote publicly, then I would write to impress (even if this was done subconsciously). I wrote two imaginative essays concerning our home beyond the sky, Himmel Kapital 1 and 2. This just means Heaven: Chapter 1 and 2 in German although I'm not so sure why I wrote it in German. I hope that you either enjoy or are provoked to thought. I'll post Kapital 2 later.
I've been having to write a bunch of papers lately, and I've related a good bit of them to the New Testament Church in some way. Even on my xanga, I discussed how the early Christians had their eyes focussed on Heaven, and that is how they lived with little care about the things of the world.
I've got a lot of ideas about Heaven that I'd like to start writing down in here.
So, with this in mind... Himmel: Kapital 1 (By the way, I'm really wanting to start studying Luther's German 1500's "Bibel"... I'll start with 1 John because the language is easy).
Last night, as I was reading stuff about the context that the Iliad was written in, I began thinking about how we don't even know if the Trojan War even happened. Thanks to Heinrich Schliemann in the 19th century, we know that there actually was a city of Troy that has ruins that show signs of being sacked and burned, but no real evidence for the supposed "Trojan war." Also, everything that we know about Shakespeare can be put on one index card. There's debate on whether all of his plays were actually written by one person, and further more, whether Shakespeare even existed. Another example to a point that I will soon arrive at: As I was studying Isaiah in Old Testament Survey, I learned that the book of Isaiah was written about events spanning over two centuries, and was possibly written by Isaiah of Jerusalem, Isaiah, son of Amoz, and some Isaianic disciples or followers.
How are these are related to each other, and especially to Heaven?
In the book of Isaiah, the writer says that God inhabits eternity. All of these subjects are mysterious to us. Just think about it.... God sees no mysteries in Time. History is open for His viewing without restriction at all.
We hypothesize about whether the city of Atlantis ever existed and flourished according to Homer's account (of whom we also don't have much evidence of existence), yet God was there from the foundation to the destruction of Atlantis. He knew every single baker, builder, child, and leader in the entire civilization. God can speak the language and dialects of the Atlanteans as well as he can speak Australian, British, or American English.
We hypothesize about ancient America, and the peoples that may have lived there before the "Native Americans", but to God, those people are as much recorded in chronicles of eternity as eighteenth-century Americans are.
We theorize about ancient societies scattered throughout Africa and Asia, claiming that our theories are as logically correct as possible. We make for ourselves archaeologists to dig up the ground looking for these societies, and in Schliemann's case, we find them. Now think about this... God doesn't have to dig at all. He could, if he really needed to, lift up every layer of earth and see every ruin, bone, tool, or piece of art at will... at any geographical location on this or any other planet.
So, back to the subject of Heaven. I imagine (out of pure speculation) that these mysteries can and will be revealed to us in Heaven. We can know what really happened in the Garden of Eden, where the people came from that Cain founded his city with, whether Noah actually brought seven clean animals on board the ark before the laws of animal cleanliness were founded, who the great men of renown mentioned in Genesis 6 actually were, and why Rahab was not penalized for lying in order to save good men.
Like I said, we can speculate all we want about the answers to life's mysteries, and we should, but one day these great mysteries might be explained to us as the scroll of History is unrolled and given freely to us.
"When we all get to Heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be!"
1 comment:
Amazing bro.
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